Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dissed by the Pros

There is a blogger heirarchy.  On the top of the blog pyramid are guys like Drudge, Kos, Huffington Post and Talking Points Memo. I find Kos to be real boring - same for Real Clear Politics and Politico but like the other ones a lot. Drudge is rabid but quite the clearinghouse for information. Really they're all electronic magazines with lots of employees and funding at this level.

A second tier might be Firedoglake and Crooks and Liars. The latter runs a blog roundup periodically.  I stuck a Sarah Silverman video up courtesy of Frazer in Seattle and they linked to it a few months ago and I got an enormous number of hits on my nascent blogsite.  For which I am very grateful.  The Blue Heron Blast, is a bottom rung, sort of fifth tier compendium of music, arts, politics and popular culture that doesn't take itself all that seriously. But does have a chip on it's shoulder. A david complex, if you will.

Like an adolescent who won't stop following his older brother around, I started pestering Crooks and Liars , sending them posts and blasts every day until he finally sent me an email to wise up and stop bothering him - he has to wade through tons of blogs every day.  I apologized to Mike and tried to ease up on my submissions, to curb my lusty need for a few more national hits.

The other day after what I thought was a decent and appropriate interlude, I sent my post about the Andrew Ferguson cover on the Smithsonian (a literary gem if I may say so) and got a terse reply that it would go in his next "holy crap" blog.  After a few minutes of cogitation I realized that he was calling it complete shit.  I have hereby sworn off pandering to the big guys.  My blog gets plenty of hits, nationally and internationally and I will no longer kiss any heinie.

Besides my blog is a lot more fun.


  1. as Vic the Brick would say, "we kiss no one's toukas"...

  2. At the risk of sounding ethnically divisive, old grumps, you don't have a tuchas- you're an episcopalian (or anglican, I can never get it straight.) You have a butt, rear-end, fanny or at an appropriate time, keister. Please refrain from the yiddish until you can show me a note from a rabbinical authority.

  3. will Jesus do? all seriousness aside, i have much fondness for yiddish expressions, ie kibbosh, mensch, kishkas, verklemt,nd yes tuchas...btw, i'm just a Christian now...

  4. What's up with the racial cleansing?
    If Grumpy wants somebody to kiss his tuchas he needs to take 2 showers each morning to make sure it is clean.

  5. there's a water shortage, haven't you heard? two showers would be wrong...
