Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nice Kitty...

Janice and Mike are two Fallbrookians that really love animals. Their vacations, which seem to be quite numerous to my envious eyes, center around viewing rare animals all over the world, usually in the wild. I serve on a committee with Janice and they are both really neat people.

Mike and Janice just got back from Thailand and Vietnam. While in Thailand, they visited this Tiger sanctuary outside of Bangkok.  Called Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua, it is a theravedic buddhist temple that takes care of orphaned cubs. My friends were allowed to feed, walk and care for the tigers. In the first picture she is holding a three month old. In the second, she is walking an adult male. She said that the tiger was tracking another adult's scent and that she could hardly lift its head.

I asked her if they had salted away one of these cute little striped kitties in their suitcases but was told that the only thing she brought back was a nasty asian cough. Very cool trip.