Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Golden Section

Out of all of the books I read in college, I think that I may have recommended this one more than any other. The book, The Power of Limits was written by Hungarian architect Gyorgy Doczi. This book illustrates how perfect composition as set forth in the golden section exists both in nature's creations and in man's artistic endeavors. 1:1.6180339087....

The hospital in Coronado has the golden section worked into the design of the floor. It is a nice reminder that life also has its inherent limits. But within these bounds, we can still, as the Navajo say, walk in beauty.


The two juvenile hawks have sort of moved away. To my house. When I opened my gate this morning, the pair were sitting on my three foot chain link fence. They flew up into one of my tall redwoods and have mostly hung out, shrieking like teenagers all day long.