Monday, April 13, 2020

Today at the feeder

untouched - zero processing

Things have been pretty humdrum back at the feeder. Wet and gray.

Still the black headed grosbeaks finally showed up.

The hooded orioles don't mind a free grape jelly meal but they do not consent too readily to having their picture taken.

The female is more inclined than the male.

I still can't get a feeder shot with him, he is very elusive and I have to settle for long distance shots on the power line. One of these days...

The scaly breasted munia has none of those particular reservations.

I am going to guess that this little guy is a Say's Phoebe but I could be wrong. I don't see the characteristic buff yellow on the stomach. Could be an ash throated, I suppose. A lot of flycatchers have this crested look. My birder peeps will tell me.

Note: My ace birder mentor Ken Weaver says that this is actually an Oak Titmouse. Thank you Ken! Oak titmouse, why didn't I think of that?

The Allen's hummingbird is certainly enjoying the orange blossoms.

I bought black sunflower seeds today at Grangetto. Our regular delivery of bird food is way behind.

I bought a commercial bag last week and the birds don't like it, mostly all millet. So I am popping for a big bag of black sunflower seeds to hold them over.

You can see the crappy mix behind the female black headed grosbeak.

Maybe I can get some better shots this afternoon. What else do I have to do?


  1. I think that little gray guy with the top crop is an Oak Titmouse beth

  2. Thanks Beth, Ken straightened me out. Thanks to both of you.
