Friday, March 1, 2024

Booty Call

I need to buy new jeans. 

As my stomach grows like a prairie fire over the hot Texas panhandle, my ass seems to be receding in inverse proportion, in fact it has darn near disappeared. 

It is a tough conundrum, and honestly I am spending a lot of time pulling my pants up to the latitude line that marks my massive equatorial girth. 

Not my fault I have no ass, of course. It was shot off in the war but I don't like to talk about it much and it will be a story for another day. Well, actually that is a lie. 

Come to think about it, my pop didn't have much of a butt either so I guess I can blame him. But, like I said,  I really don't want to talk about it.

I never paid my booty deficiency much mind, honestly never really cared about my inferior posterior.

But since Beyonce, Kardashian and J-Lo, the big butt has become like hot currency in our culture and I hate not measuring up with my paltry butt cheeks.

I have been researching the flat ass phenomenon and see that there are a lot of self help groups and fix it plans for those of us genetically disadvantaged folks with a measly gluteus.

But I have sat on these vertical haunches for so long I might as well learn to live with them at this point, in fact I have kind of got used to them. No butt implants for this guy.

I was thinking about the problem this morning and came up with an idea. No Ass Jeans. For aging boomers without a bottom. I believe that they will be a big hit. Turn my bottom round deficiency into a positive. It's a gas to have no ass, feel the passion in my meager rear fashion. I'll always carry the torch for my dwindling rear porch.  No? I'll work on it.


  1. I have never had much of a butt. Huge belly, but we have always looked a lot alike

  2. My dear departed husband had the same problem. Never very big, in his 60s his bottom almost entirely disappeared. He used suspenders by that time and those became a sort of trademark for him along with his bow tie. I guess it's a man thing.

  3. Hilarious… as long as your proportional protuberances continue to balance out and you don’t topple forward I guess you’ll be OK…
    I think you are on to something with No Ass Jeans! You all need a few tucks on the backside…
