Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Red Meat for my Republican Friends

I was sent this clip by a misanthropic gentleman from Santa Fe who shall go nameless. I don't think it is particularly well done or clever but it gives you red-staters a chance to cuss and vent your anger. And boy do you sound angry. I never thought Penn was very funny but he sure is loud. I am amused by all the talk of Obama's socialistic tendencies. The same week G.M. asks the government for 10b with their hand out and every other financial institution in the country is on the public dole. Kind of interesting that Bush is now the bad guy, the villain, yet you who elected him and the six years of Republican majority Congress, refuse to take any ownership for his or their policies and their effect. Don't tell us about big spending programs, all right? So I kind of hate to put this piece of shit clip up but want to impress you with my overwhelming sense of fairness and objectivity.

I would say that close to a majority of my friends are conservative and Republican.  I had a dream that god came down and told me to torture you people. Turnabout's fair play.

McFarland Community Identification Scale from an interesting blog at USC.


Anonymous said...

Robert, What is with you?
Fairness: BULLSHIT
Fairness: BULLSHIT
Fairness: BULLSHIT
Penn is just doing another one of his cheap Vegassy illusions, and Teller looks like a mute Joe Leiberman.
Joe the Plumber is an actual illusion of John McCain's imagination. Hillary is history.
Quit trying to be a nice guy with this fairness BS. Do you think Hannity or Rush would be fair. Please wait until after the elections to be a neutral watchdog, then you can report about CIA vote hackers and FBI fraud.
Not too much is at stake at this election-only the future of our nation.

Blue Heron said...

In the inimitable words of Rodney King - Can't we all just get along? Like getting dogs to sleep with cats, I guess.