Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Robert's short stories

Kent, Texas © Robert Sommers
I haven't wrote any fiction for a while, although some of my normal statements do tend to sometimes strain credulity, I suppose.
I am due, might need to sequester myself in a hotel like Johnny Paycheck and block out the world and write. I am told that Paycheck kicked heroin by sitting in a hotel room and pouring scalding coffee on his arms every time he got the notion to fix. Did the trick. Substitute a serious pain response for a hydrostatically equal feeling of pleasure and unravel your operant conditioning. Brilliant!

One of these days soon I have to sit down and write some more fiction.

Here are a few links to a couple things that I have written in the past that I mostly think are decent and that you may enjoy reading. Some of them are at a halfway point and may never get finished. I haven't read them for a while and I am just throwing them all out there unopened. I know that I wrote another Clarksdale chapter but may have destroyed it. I will have to look around. Bit close to home.

Please don't tell me if these stories are godawful because I'm feeling a bit vulnerable at present. All stories © Robert Sommers 2011 and not to be reprinted without his express written permission.

A Cup of Joe.
Fight Night on Mount Olympus.
Lord of the Western Marches.
Feeler II.
Feeler III.
Burning Embers.
Clarksdale II.


Anonymous said...

You're killing me. You have to finish Feeler.


Anonymous said...

I like your stories too, just finished Clarksdale. Very good. I'll read more later, still in the midst of dental redemption... there's a major molar excavation scheduled for this afternoon.

Best Regards,