Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I've received a few things to share from readers this week. And then a quick shpiel. Kim Smith sent me this neat picture that her friend Robyn took.

Speaking of pictures, my camera club's blog is coming along nicely, check out Redneck Shutters.


Kerry B sends over this epistemological broadside.


It's said that Any Thing Is Possible. 

If that's true, it means absolutely no thing can be ruled out, including all the apparently impossible things.

According to the I Ching it's not possible to describe the Tao in words. 

If any thing is possible though, it definitely is possible to describe the Tao in words.

I completely believe any thing is possible. 

No one can prove me wrong in that belief, nor can any one prove me right.

I don't completely believe in any thing, except that any thing is possible. 

That's my only unassailable position. 

Every thing else is a matter of probability. 

Of course I could be completely wrong, but probably not.

copyright 2011 Kerry Brown


Robert DeGoff emailed this sweet little cartoon.

Sweet home, Alabama for you know who.

Long version, Low Spark for Shawn.

Get Ready for Deli Guy.

Gentle Giant Freehand for Kerry J.


I have been following the News Corp scandal with no small amount of glee. Not because I think that they will be able to lay a hand on Murdoch, I honestly don't think they will. News Corp is now too craftily woven into various governmental power structures for me to think that it will ever be brought down for its crimes and misdemeanors. 

What I find interesting is that this crisis really gives a person an opportunity to see what kind of man Rupert Murdoch is. Call him the anti Truman - the buck never stops here. Of course, he will admit or accept no responsibility for the scandal, it was caused by some little people that he trusted, who let him down and who he will not name. And the puny little News of the World, the 167 year old red top at the heart of the Dowler scandal was after all only 1% of his News Corp. empire.

Does any one actually believe that his other properties have any stronger set of principals? Surely not Fox News, the only truly partisan news organization I have ever seen in my lifetime. Don't most executives take responsibility for whatever happens on their watch, not blaming the problems on anonymous underlings. A real leader.

I heard a report yesterday that Sean Hoare's personal papers were found in a bag tossed in a parking garage several miles from the scene of his death. A mere coincidence, I am sure. Authorities say the death is not suspicious. Couldn't have anything to do with fingering high level News Corp sources or Scotland Yard, could it?

If nothing else, we have received a momentary glimpse behind the Murdoch curtain. A man who walks into the Prime Minister's office through the back door, what was it, twenty six meetings in five months?  One of his ex employees was spilling on NPR yesterday, talking about how NewsCorp stories were fabricated, how young children were grilled by ruthless reporters against their parent's wishes, how "christmas weepies" were fabricated..

There is a general stench around this man and his whole empire. Five hundred dollars per ping and the bosses could get you into anyone's voice mail in minutes. Because the police were in their pocket. Bought and paid for. Millions doled out in hush money to keep the stories, as son James so brilliantly put it, in the box. I love what the resigning head of Scotland yard said, "You didn't expect me to go through the bin bags myself, did you? Because they merely trumpeted the Fox company line, never trying to ascertain just how many people had been hacked and injured.

Rupert Murdoch would not be able to spread his deceitful message and play his nasty tricks without the help of enablers like Tom Perkins of Kleiner Perkins or a bevy of people like Juan Williams or Alan Colmes willing to reach for the bag of silver.

People said that he was apologetic. Humble. Genuine even. I think that the whole debacle is completely scripted. Sociopaths have no facility for contrition. Sorry that he got caught I will buy. His defense is calculating and intended to compartmentalize.

The folks at NewsCorp said that they did have a code of conduct, around here somewhere's, it was purposefully made small because who ever reads the damn things anyways? Now there will be a big show of pomp and circumstance as the new big shot independent lawyer comes in to institute the new company ethic, I can't wait. Unfortunately the fish rots at the top. This current scandal is not a big enough of a game changer to have any effect at all. They own 40% of the radio market, a lion's share of the print and nothing can stop them short of a silver bullet or a wave of a crucifix. There will always be a large segment of the viewing public stupid enough to buy the bullshit.

Sauron has been unmasked, he can never again look pleasing in human form. Beware the hand of the Dark Lord.