I posted the following response to fellow citizen Baer in today's North County Times newspaper.
Will of the people versus judicial tyranny
Dear Editor,
Webster defines marriage as "the institution whereby a man and a woman are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family." In 2000, California voters approved the prohibition of same-sex marriage. In 2008, the California Supreme Court, by a four-to-three vote, gave legal status to gays and lesbians the right to marry. By a one-vote majority versus 36 million people in California, a precedent was decided.
Abraham Lincoln in 1863 said in his Gettysburg Address "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that the government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the face of the Earth."
Wake up, California, to this travesty of injustice and manipulation of the concept of marriage! In the realm of electricity, a male and female plug is needed to carry current to a lamp. What can gay/lesbian partners produce to continue the human race? Marriage is sacred and should be protected against a redefinition for the sake of the gay liberation.
Bill Baer
Dear Editor,
Letter writer Bill Baer of Carlsbad's post of June 2 was very thought provoking. He feels that the new same sex legislation is thwarting the will of the people. In the words of Mr. Baer, a male and female plug are required to provide current for a lamp. In this way, we can ensure the survival of our species.
Now the human species seems to be propagating just fine, thank you, male plugs or not. But just to be sure that we did not have any wayward homosexual dalliances occurring amongst the appliances in our home, my wife and I did a quick check this morning and guess what, we found that the HDMI plug on our television is male to male. As you can imagine, we are shocked, and will move most expeditiously to see that there is no reoccurrance.
Thank you, Mr. Baer, for your eternal vigilance.
Robert Sommers
Wheres the Adam and Steve Joke?
Did the Flintstones really have a gay old time? (And why did they have a Christmas Special if they were pre-Christ?)
Do you like Ellen?
My son was ambivalent about the decision, because he's afraid it will give the conservatives fire power during the election.
Your son may have a point but I always felt that gay people have just as much right to be miserable as the rest of us...(just kidding, honey!)
Please ignore the small atomic bomb blast that just went off at the corner of Hawthorne and Vine. The male and female hormones that all humans have small amounts of, regardless of their particular sex, started a spontaneous combustion in my body and I self-ignited. Which makes as much sense as male and female plugs and marriage being only for procreation. 'Fraid this is a sensitive subject for me, since we lived with death threats, obscene phone calls, and harassment for three years in this friendly village of ours until my brilliant son moved out of town. I hate it.
I was kidding, of course. Mr. Baer's letter was just so ludicrous and whacked out. I can only imagine the crap your son had to endure in this town. But I think that progressive people are tired of keeping their mouths shut and not stepping on the toes of those nutcases with their tired antiquated agendas. Enough already.
There are so many issues I don't "get" and, in all seriousness, I don't get why gay marriage is such a hot button issue; I get angry just thinking about how wrongheaded it is to say that two people who love each other shouldn't have the same rights of inheritance, visitation, alimony, medical decision making, etc;
As I think about it, legislating morality in and of itself is contrary to a free society, for each of us has our own ethics, morals and values. No, we are not free in civilized society to do anything we want in the name of freedom (murder); however, if the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness doesn't mean the freedom to love, honor and obey whom we choose, then those words that were the foundation of our Nation's Independence, have just become another friggin' slogan. Have it your way.
I am proud to be witnessing, in the near future, the marriage of my two best friends. This is a bond of love and commitment that has been for 47 years (6/04 anniversary). Don't we all, really, send the best of wishes and kind thoughts to those who love each other....there are as many kinds of love as there are human hearts. I couldn't be happier for them.
Poor Bastards... There goes the relationship.
I started LOL reading the first post but once I read the others I am enraged again. The Reps. will use such issues to distract us from the important matters. Bush has already shown us that in the middle of a war he can rally the press (and many like-minded US citizens apparently) that the gay marriage issue is somehow responsible for the moral decline of the nation.
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