
Sandhill crane

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday stuff to ponder


Sometimes people say things or I read something that just gets me thinking. There is no reason to offer any further description. People can form their own opinions about things.

Jamie Dimon
“It’s not right to say we’re worse off,” Dimon said Thursday at an event in Detroit in response to a question about declining median income. “If you go back 20 years ago, cars were worse, health was worse, you didn’t live as long, the air was worse. People didn’t have iPhones.”
Interesting article on the inequality subject and Dimon's comments at the Atlantic.

 from Arutz Sheva

Arab Witnesses Laughed, Spat at Wounded Terror Victim
On Sunday afternoon Adelle Banita-Bennett, widow of Aharon Banita-Bennett, who herself was seriously injured in the stabbing attack Saturday night in Old City of Jerusalem, woke up from medical coma she had been placed under in order to enable doctors to treat her.
Among the first people she spoke to was Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi David Lau, whom she told in detail about the attack.
The widow told Rabbi Lau that she attempted to escape from the terrorist after the stabbing began.
“I ran for dozens of meters with a knife in my shoulder, bleeding. Arabs in the area who saw this horrible scene clapped and laughed, and told that they hoped for my quick death. I felt I was about to faint,” she said. “I tried to hold on to someone who passed by, and they just shook me off and kicked me, and said 'die.'”
China Is Genetically Engineering Mini Pigs To Sell As Pets

Ever notice how spouses start to look alike after a while?

Smart animals and stupid humans


Monsanto leans on academics to fight their GMO war.

I was thinking of my pop yesterday. What I would give to spend another day with him? Still feel lost, sort of like an orphan. Miss his solidity, even after he lost lucidity.

One of my favorite teachers in college died recently. G.D. (Doug) Durrant taught me watercolor and a lot about art, not to mention life. The most fun I ever had in a class. Anything was on the table. We painted on location a lot and basically had a blast. I was there at the time with KJ, Harpold, Brett, Ryden, Greg Boren, Sumner, Kerry Brown, Andrea, Cohen, Harold, B. Reed, the art department was happening back then.

Doug's class had a nice mix of the regulars with some very nice Rancho Santa Fe housewives mixed in.

Talked so much about food that we had all had a potluck banquet at the end of the term. I made an apricot duck. Once gave him a pornographic cake in front of the class on his birthday and caused a little ruckus.

He enjoyed his students' success and was always supportive, quick with a compliment and encouragement.

Doug liked Texas, tattoos, rodeo, wrestling, his wife and kid. We used to go to wrestling together. Had some great parties at his house over Del Dios. Rubber snakes and fake cactus filled the corners. Went native after retirement. Sorry we sort of lost touch.

Doug could paint like hell when he wanted. He did the most beautiful watercolors during his demos, freely and naturally, when he wasn't thinking. I liked that stuff a lot better than his glitzier work.

Doug Durrant - Joel Vaughn/Telescope

Doug was a rodeo coach down at Sulross College, at least that was the myth I think I heard. I don't do facebook but I hear the plaudits are just pouring in. Doug was a good hombre. Always treated me good. Even bought from the gallery once or twice. Bless his heart.

From KJ -

Doug Durrant was the best art teacher I ever had!!! (Palomar was full of great art teachers)  
He taught me to be an artist and believe in myself. The man could motivate.
He could psyche out the worst students and convince them to paint nice watercolors.
Too many great Doug stories! Some of legend, some of myth, maybe a few BS ones, but all good ones!
I remember the smoking plein aire field trip to a lake in Escondido and the X-rated birthday cake! 
…...Only time I ever saw Durrant blush!

Doug, It was an honor to be taught by you.

1 comment:

Dave said...

I knew Doug from Chula Vista high school, class of 1960. Doug always loved art, and you could usually find him in the cafeteria during lunch doing some drawing. There also was a fellow named Dennis Green during that same time, was an avid artist...I don't know what happened to him.
