Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I can see Haifa from my house.

Sarah Palin was photographed in Israel wearing her Star of David necklace this week. I don't know about you but I find it a little patronizing. If I visited Rome and wore a crucifix around my neck and sported a red beanie, I frankly think that people might talk. It is a slight bit tawdry to wear a religious symbol around your neck as a fashion accessory.

But she wouldn't be the first to do it. Years ago, a famous comedian's stepdaughter came into my shop. She was from Beverly Hills. She was looking at and ended up buying an overlarge William Spratling amethyst cross for a couple grand from me.

"But S------," I asked. "You're jewish."

"I know," she says, "but all of the other mothers are wearing them when they drop their kids off at school."



Anonymous said...

for a couple grand, who cares, let her buy the cross already...oy!

Anonymous said...

Sarah was only wearing a Star of David because she forgot her SS pin.