I was tooling around the web universe yesterday through the Fallbrook Blogosphere portal and I ran across this woman's site - evidently from Florida.
She had just got back from a "praise circle" retreat with 10 women who she says were responsible for 16 abortions between them. They are now apparently doing some sort of human penance for their ungodly crimes. I wrote a very respectful comment that in these painful times, where so many children are abused and uncared for, their decision to abort or use contraception might have been the most responsible decision they had ever made.
Not twenty minutes later, my unholy posting had been excised from the blog which was assuredly bleached and scrubbed clean of my heretical presence. Kerry wrote me that it looked like it was I who had been aborted. I will continue to monitor.
No disrespect, but who are you to tell them they made the right decision? Apparently they feel otherwise now.
If you will re-read my post, I asked them to consider that it might have been the best decision they could have made.
We have more than enough unwanted kids in this world, doing meth, getting sexually abused, smoking crack. If you are a 16 year old unwed mother, the chances are that you do not have the responsibility, maturity or financial stability to raise a normal child.
This sick christian ethos about having kids, regardless of the consequences is one that I utterly reject. You call it faith, I call it blind folly and I think that the ultimate results are clearly evident. And disastrous.
i guess the point i was trying to make is that, for a Christian, it's natural to feel regret, sometimes shame, for some of the decisions you made and things you did in the past... don't construe this to mean that i want to see Roe v Wade repealed, i don't...
I just think that it's funny that anti abortionists are always railing against abortion mills, abortion doctors, abortionists. Guess what. They aren't holding guns to these women's heads. These women are probably making responsible decisions. Maybe for the first time in their miserable lives. Fuck shame and fuck guilt. We do our best and try not to hurt anybody. In jewish culture, where abortion was performed on camels thousands of years ago by placing a small rock in the uterus, it wasn't a life until it drew its first breath and the life and well being of the mother was always paramount. Viva le difference. But quite pragmatic. Of course we aren't enlightened like you folks.
"you folks"?..please..let's not make this an us against them thing, it's all us, "we're all in the same boat, ready to float off the edge of the world"
"He," "He," "He." As each woman achieves a true sense of self and strength, she does not need a male "invisible friend" (to borrow a phrase from a very funny Marine I know) to heal her from the shame "He" and his followers have dumped on her. ... Maybe these gals' group is a first step toward that, but it certainly won't get them there until they take the next step without relying on that invisible buddy.
Kit, interesting feminist take but I don't think that the god thing can necessarily be referenced in a sexual context. I have never thought that the deities served any completion goals. I know the great earth mother was the primary deity for a much longer period on the grassland - I hear 9000 years but don't know if it's accurate.
I do know that some christian women live through and are suppressed by strong males. Both sides seem to get what they need for their genetic and archetypical predilection.
I would puke personally.
"It can't always be a man's fault. It usually is, but it can't always be."
Leslie Sommers
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