We have a great candidate in Fallbrook running to unseat Darrell Issa in the 49th District. Robert Hamilton is the right man for the job, smart, cool, measured and collected. In this time of economic uncertainty he is uniquely suited to dealing with the issues of our time with his longtime executive experience in the banking and finance industry.
Unfortunately, he is desperately outgunned financially - running against the richest house member there is, a man who has amassed a campaign war chest over $900,00.00 dollars against a meager $54,000.00 for Bob. The Democratic National Committee, felt like this race was a safe one for Issa in conservative North San Diego County and has not provided funding for Hamilton. It is too bad because the race is actually tightening up.
I hope that people in my district will take the time to look at each man's stand on the issues and vote accordingly. Darrell Issa has consistently voted with he most rabid ideologues in the right wing. It's time for a new man in the 49th.
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