
Peregrine Falcon, Torrey Pines

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Gloves are definitely off...

As we pass the five furlongs pole in this presidential horserace, we can see that we have a muddy track that's getting dirtier by the day.

Ms. Palin started the old character assassination ball rolling with her linkage of Barack Obama to William Ayers of the old Weather Underground.  Of course, Obama was eight years old when the Weatherman were up to their nefarious tricks but this is obviously the time for guilt by association.

I don't believe in what Dohrn or Angela Davis or Ayers were doing but was conscious enough at the time to understand the depth of their beliefs and fury.  And I think that their actions pale next to the crimes of a Kissinger say, or maybe Ollie North.

Today, on John Amato's excellent Crooks and Liars website,  we have Paul Begala's revelation that McCain was on the board of General John Singlaub's wack job Council for World Freedom.  Or read about it in Sam Stein's excellent Huffington Post article here.  These are the people that thought the Pope was part of the vast jewish conspiracy. (as a member, I can assure you, he wasn't.)

It appears that McCain will not get a pass on the Keating Five mess, either. Couple that with the return of troopergate and it ought to be an interesting homestretch.

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