
Peregrine Falcon, Torrey Pines

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Anyone seen this guy?

Have you noticed how under wraps they have kept the V.P. the last few months? I expect to see his pleasant face soon enough on a milk carton. I can just picture some pissed off House Republican now, "Shut the __ck up, Dick, haven't you done enough damage?" In feudal Japan Dick Cheney would have probably been ordered to do the honorable thing and commit seppaku. It will be interesting to see if he or his boss takes any ownership for our current quagmire but I doubt that they will - too easy to blame the media and the left and the weather and...


Anonymous said...

He's gone to the hospital to have his heart electrically shocked.


Anonymous said...

I would start drinking milk again just to see his face on the carton!!!!

Anonymous said...

October 16, 2008

In feudal Japan Richard "Dick" Cheney would have actually fit right in. Probably at the commencement of the Edo Period (1603 - 1867), when feudal Japan was forcefully unified under the iron fist of the warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu - the first "Shogun."

He would not have been offered the "short sword" and asked to commit "seppuku." To the contrary: he would have been handing it out to others - and with great frequency and ruthlessness.

His face is the obverse - the dark side - of the "American coin," on the front face of which, most recently, is the make-believe image of Sarah Palin. We have a still predominant social myth of "American exceptionalism" and what the historian C. Vann Woodward ("The Burden of Southern History")called "The Treasure House of National Virtue" - which tells us that all is well, that mankind is neither fallen nor venal, and that simple Chamber of Commerce friendliness and "down home,'friendly village'" values will always prevail over what the late Gov. George C. Wallace of Alabama called "pointy-headed intellectuals" and other "elitist" (read: "fag," "European,""over-educated," "Socialistical")types who "gosh darnit, are just a bunch of folks bitin' down on sour lemons and not lookin' on the bright side."

Against this lethal social myth and societal opium we then once again take a good look at the face of Richard "Dick" Cheney. Stone-cold reality, ferocity and a bottomless rapacity stare back at you. His is the face - our face - which we would, if we could, and at all costs, not face.

Returning once again to the image of Richard "Dick" Cheney in Japan, an excellent "modern fit" for him would be as one of the corrupt corporate officials in Akira Kurosawa's scathing 1960 film, "The Bad Sleep Well." Toshiro Mifune, reprising large parts of "Hamlet," enters the world - the "court," if you will - of the corporation, in order to avenge his Father's death. What he goes up against is, in distilled form, the essence of Cheney.

"The time is out of joint/
O cursed spite/
That ever I was born/
To set it right."

("Hamlet," Act 1, Scene 5)

But he does.

We may.


Blue Heron said...

Hell Judge, you done said a mouthful...

Anonymous said...

Well, yes. But as Robert Penn Warren once said: "We Southerners do talk a lot. But coming from the only part of the country which has had anything approaching the European experience, we do have something to say."


Anonymous said...

Cheney got Haliburton and Exxon everything they wanted except ANWR in his 8 years of illegally co-running our nation with Karl Rove [oh yeah, along with his dummy puppet Geo. W.]