
Sandhill crane

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hernando Carrizosa - Brandon Gallery

Fallbrook is known as a place that harbors some very good living artists and has a strong community arts presence. I walked in to the Brandon Gallery yesterday, which happens to be two doors down from my own gallery, and was quite taken with these three new paintings which had been recently hung.

They are rather large works, probably on masonite. Heliconia flowers sprout out of a cervical column in the top one, my favorite. The artist's hand and color palette immediately made me think of the late Vaughn Bodé. Whimsical and surrealist.

I asked Noreen Ring, the current director of the Brandon, about the artist and she told me that the title of the three work series is DE LA SERIE ASFALTARIO I, II, III.

The artist is Colombian educator, painter and engraver Hernando Carrizosa. The works will be on view until January 31, 2013.

The pictures she sent over are not perfect but they will have to do. Apologies to the artist. Noreen forwarded this brief bio:

Using a distinctive linear style with acrylic paints, Carrizosa's art blends natural elements with human technologies to depict some of the conflict in modern societies.  His work has been shown in several prestigious galleries in the United States as well as Europe and in his native South America.  He is a professor of art at a university in Bogota, Columbia, where he received his master of fine arts degree.

If you get a chance, please stop by the Brandon and check them out.

Brandon Gallery

105 North Main Avenue  Fallbrook, CA 92028
(760) 723-1330 


grumpy said...

looks cool, thanks for the tip...will try to check em out today...

North County Film Club said...

Wow! Fantastic. I wonder how these ended up in Fallbrook? Not that we don't deserve them or that we don't have our own wonderful artists. But I just mean what's the story? What's his connection to Fallbrook? I guess I'll go see them in person and ask Noreen.

Anonymous said...

Very good question.

Blue Heron said...

Nice to have you back on board the ship, Grumpy. You were certainly missed.

grumpy said...

good to be back...starting to feel like myself again...it takes a while for the meds to kick in...