
Sandhill crane

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Purple Trainwreck

ReneƩ sent over this neat link. Steve Lopez of the Los Angeles Times gets stoned with the LAPD.


Yesterday's existential crisis has been narrowly averted.  I am here to tell you that the infernal mortgage has been paid. Yee Haw.


News analyst Juan Williams was eaten by the bodysnatchers a long time ago.  He got such a new tenor when he started hangin out with the foxes. I read someone refer to him as "Uncle Juan" Williams yesterday and don't think it is quite fair. Now he can do a Chris Wallace or Britt Hume and start smoking ceegars with Rush and bellyachin' 'bout the librals. Another aggrieved party.

Can you imagine saying what he said about any other ethnic group or creed? Devout Catholics, Jews, Vulcans, etc. "they all give me the willies..." His ass would be toast, stat. Okay to whip up on the muslims.  We know they are all fucked.


I have been following both the Chinese interest rate cut and the Chinese clampdown on rare earth exports with some small interest. (not that I actually know what rare earth is) Almost enough to put the song Get Ready by the late 60's band Rare Earth up. But the available videos were all so dreadful that I engaged in a rare moment of self censorship and refrained. Lucky you.


Conservative nerd love squabble. Beware the wrath of a free market conservative libertarian scorned.


Pete Rose has totally fessed up. Made peace with Bench and Perez. He's 70. All time hits leader. Time to let him into the Hall of Fame.


Start the great northern trek to the Neil Young show and the Buffalo Springfield reunion in the morn. Hope that it clears up.


Sanoguy said...

I am surprised that you have not mentioned the kerfuffle raised by the wife of Supreme Court Justice Thomas. Ginni contacted Anita Hill and wanted Anita to apologize for telling her story about the sexual harassment by Thomas.

Now comes Thomas' ex-girlfriend who said that Hill's story was consistent with the Thomas she knew over several years. She is getting ready to put out a book about her experiences with Thomas.

The ex will really benefit from the publicity offered by Ginni Thomas. What stupid, stupid people!!!

Have a great time at Bridge... lots of jealousy here!!!

Blue Heron said...

Yeah, it is kind of funny just how many other people corroborated Anita Hill's story way back when. He pulled the penis/pubic hair card a lot. All part of the vast left wing conspiracy, you know.

grumpy said...

(cleared by staff)

love the word "kerfuffle"...so has Justice Thomas yet to ask a question, or open his mouth even, while on the SC bench?

grumpy said...

oops...scratch my last comment about Juan W, i overlooked your remarks above...my bad, back to rehab...

North County Film Club said...

I love Steve Lopez. Thanks for the link. I only get the L.A.Times and Sunday so missed this column.

Anonymous said...

I was almost worried about you yesterday, you had all the classic symptoms of a suicidal person. Could you see that as option down the line, or is that the ultimate admission that the Bastards got to you?

Anonymous said...

(cleared by staff)

so the night before last i had a dream, a large group of girls dressed in flowing black robes and black baseball caps are assembled in the parking lot behind the Fallbrook Art Center; Supreme Court justices also wear black robes; go figure.
