
Sandhill crane

Monday, February 13, 2017

Southwest Run

I just got back from a quick roadie to Utah with my photographer friend Ken. He drove. We had been there in the summer and thought that we should get some winter shots too. We grabbed a bunch. Thousands. So many that I can't even look at them at present, let alone process them.

Hope that we got some good ones. Weather was spotty. We fought for light all weekend, sometimes roads were shut down and sky was totally socked in. Often actually.

But we stuck to it and persevered and I am looking forward to seeing what I shot as I am sure Ken is.

My trip started at the airport. Leslie graciously drove me. Flew to Vegas, Ken picked me up there.

Booked it to Valley of Fire. Took a hike or two in the deep sand and felt totally out of shape. Everything hurts as it should after being subjected to a prolonged period of brutal neglect.

Spent that night in St. George. Drove to Zion the next day. Hiked the Temple of Sinawava trail and a few more places.

Always wonderful to be at Zion, summer or winter. Look forward to sharing some shots with you.

Afterwards we drove to Bryce Canyon, decided to go for it and get what we could with our Nikons the first afternoon. Good thing as much of the terrain was either closed or completely socked in for the rest of our stay. Shoot first, be safe!

We actually considered going home, the forecast was so bad but decided to see if we could catch a break. And luck and providence did seem to come our way. Or I hope so anyway since I have only looked at a smattering.

The road to the top of the park closed Saturday morning past Inspiration Point, we were glad we got Natural Bridge on Friday. We decided to make our way up to Kodachrome Basin. This is Chimney Rock. Your standard slick rock phallic protuberance.

Roads were really bad out there. Went back to Bryce and it was pretty shut down. Snowed even harder Saturday night. Couple feet deep. We booked it in the early morning.

hard to believe but pretty much straight out of the camera.

Drove to Cameron Trading Post and then the Grand Canyon. What the hell, was better than going back to the boring Interstate 15, now undoubtably clogged with Vegas traffic. Besides Ken hadn't been there since 1961 and he was long overdue.

Canyon was socked in. We waited and hour or two and found some openings. I'll shoot the canyon in any time or weather. It always doles out a gift or two, no matter the condition.

We drove back today. Thanks again to my friend and mentor Ken.  Had a great time and I can't wait to sift through the pictures. I love the southwest! Hope that you enjoy this taste... Click on one and you will be able to view them full size.


Anonymous said...


Blumoon said...

Thanks. RCO

Blumoon said...

Thanks for the photos.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. Zion and Bryce are two parks yet for us to visit. Thanks!