
Sandhill crane

Friday, February 2, 2024


I've been sick all week with a cold, this is my first day out of bed. Not 100% but functional. Have barely enough energy to grab some low hanging fruit.


I will miss actor and one time Aztec Carl Weathers. The Mandalorian will never be the same. He got better at his craft as he got older and left a fine legacy.

Speaking of the Mandalorian, we may be dropping Disney + now that Andor has been pushed back another year and the Mandalorian going to the big screen. It is endless commercials and the offerings are getting worse and worse.


There are a million conspiracy theories out there swimming in the nutter soup. Taylor Swift, Pizza Gate, Flat Earthers, the list is a mile long. Perhaps the most intriguing is the notion that Donald Trump is a time traveler. Or should I say, his son Barron is.

And that it was all forecast in a series of books written in the 19th century.

In 1889  a book titled "Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger," was written by Ingersoll Lockwood. 

The main character in these children's novels is a German boy named Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp, who goes by the name Baron Trump.

Young Baron is a time traveler, guided by a pompous man who lives on Fifth Avenue in New York named Don who has a little side action with Russia..

But it was The Last President, Ingersoll’s 1896 novel, that really lit a fire under the conspiracy theorists. Originally described as a political satire, it focuses on violent protests by Americans following a corrupt election process that delivers a socialist president to the White House.

It’s unsurprising that MAGA-supporting, election-denying conspiracy theorists have jumped on this. The notion that Donald Trump is a time traveller from the late 19th century would certainly help explain his antediluvian behaviour, his views on everything from women to windmills, and the fact that he can’t use a computer, text or email.

In 1893, Lockwood published a sequel called "Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey."

While time travel remains a hypothetical concept in our reality, the uncanny similarities between Barron Trump and the character Baron Trump from Ingersoll Lockwood's books are mind-boggling. In the novels, Baron is described as a young aristocrat bored with his opulent life in Castle Trump. He decides to go on an adventure and is guided by a man named Don, a wealthy New Yorker who lives on Fifth Avenue, who leads him to a time-traveling portal in Russia. Yes, you read that right.

Good for you, Barron. If you have to do a bit of interdimensional traveling to escape the stench of certain other members of your family, well all power to you. I must say that even at your height, you have done a remarkably good job at staying above the fray to this point.

Sort of reminds me of Vonnegut's book Siren's of Titan.


From Will Chandler - The Ogre gorging on America.


Kip sent this lovely image from a relative in London.

Photo show opens tonight at the Art Center. Not sure how it will play out, rather ambivalent about my work.

Bruce Taylor sent a picture from Alabama.

Miss you, man.


I haven't had my camera out in a month, about to stick it in the car. Lots of hawks around the place, rainbows, better get back to it before I forget how...

Sorry, cell phone don't cut it.


I picked up the back ordered airfryer attachment for the new range on the way back from Las Vegas.

I tried it out with drumsticks, double dipped in a yolk cream and a seasoned flour mix. 

I sprayed duckfat on the chicken between the coats but it didn't really stick right. 

It's going to take a couple tries to get it right, I think.

The convection baked thighs at right were far better.

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