Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Foxy Lady

I thought that the Greta Van Susteren resignation was sort of interesting today.  She had been a strong defender of Roger Ailes when the sexual harassment stories first broke, which probably did not endear her to some of her female colleagues at Fox.

She said she never saw that sort of behavior from her boss. Well, it seems as if she was apparently the only one in the organization that didn't. At least twenty other women have reported similar improper entreaties from the recently resigned Fox boss.
“Now, remember, you’re Doris Day. Go put your uniform on, get over to the DoubleTree, and thank me for this." Roger Ailes to Laurie Luhn
The Laurie Luhn story is particularly disgusting, of course Roger is purportedly enabled the whole way by Murdoch, Bill Shine, Dianne Brandi, countless other minions at Fox and I suspect Ailes own wife as well, all who seem to look the other way while he does his thing.
"Of course, the first thing that occurred to me is that, unfortunately, we have a disgruntled employee, a colleague," she says. "I read that her show wasn't being renewed and, being a lawyer, I thought she got angry. I deal with Roger Ailes often. I've often been alone with Roger Ailes in his office over the course of 15 years and I've never seen anything like what I'm reading about in the papers and the magazine.
"If Roger Ailes were how he's described, there's no way I would've stuck around. I don't feel like putting up with that stuff and I wouldn't," she says. "Even if he weren't doing it to me, I wouldn't want to work in that environment. I sort of feel bad for Gretchen Carlson because it's sort of a weird thing that she's done. What she's alleging is something that is alien to me. I've never heard it." 
Way to stick up for your fellow workers, Greta. Now Gretchen Carlson, who was equipped with some very choice recordings of Ailes sexual come-ons, is walking away with a cool twenty million and Greta is looking like an out of the loop chump. The one woman Roger Ailes wouldn't hit on.

I hate to say it but go figure.

I've never been a fan of either Van Susteren or the network. The Scientology thing gives me the heebie jeebies. Greta the theta, the long lost emissary from planet Xenu.

Did you know that Joseph McCarthy was best man at her parents' wedding? O Reilly may be facing his own music soon. With an aging demographic and Trump driving the bus, the whole network seems to be melting down...

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