
Sandhill crane

Thursday, September 8, 2016


It has been a tough week. I have been fighting a serious bronchial thing. Can't go see my doctor because since I got the new health insurance I discovered that none of my long time existing doctors are covered by the new plans.

New cat is sick too. I was afraid for a while that we were going to lose her. Les thinks that she might have swallowed a bad lizard. Hard to tell the good ones from the bad ones.

Business is slow. None of the people that told me that they were going to show up ever did.

So the week has been pretty much a total waste. Bought about ten old Nero Wolfe paperbacks at the Bottom Shelf for a quarter a piece and quickly devoured them. Now I am on to the collected works of Ring Lardner. Anyone want to read the Nero books, just ask.

Buzz is still having complications with the new kidney which I won't go into.

I had my Trump photo expunged from DPReview for unclear reasons but the moderator said that the political content offended many. Guess I did it again.

The blog was going great guns last week, over two thousand readers a day but has now settled back into the normal range,

Still feeling fat. Still feeling slightly allergic to people. Waiting for a second wind.

1 comment:

shawnintland said...

Sorry to have screwed up your blog count last week...just couldn't help checking to see if you'd put up any new posts yet!