
Sandhill crane

Saturday, July 23, 2016


Leslie wanted to know if I wanted to go see Phish tonight in Chula Vista. I said sure and then asked about the price of tickets. Ninety five bucks a ticket she tells me. I quickly did a cost benefit analysis calculation and in the end decided not to.

Good band but I'm not sure I would have two hundred bucks worth of fun. Couldn't handle the guilt if I didn't.

I saw my first rock concert in Texas in 1966, believe it was the 13th Floor Elevators. Canned Heat in New York soon to follow. Probably cost two bucks a ticket. Went to plenty of great shows in the 1970's for well under ten bucks, including my all time favorite, Jethro Tull's Thick as a brick.

You could see the freaking Doors for two bucks.

So I am going to spend two hundred bucks a seat to sit on uncomfortable chairs at Humphrey's and listen to Steely Dan?

I think not. Great band but no way.

I believe that the price of a ticket for one of my all time fave shows, Rolling Stones - Mick's Birthday, MSG, 1972 was $5.50. Stevie Wonder sat in admirably on drums.

Not sure what drove ticket prices up so high but things are really out of hand. I did pay four hundred smackers to see Bowie once but it was at a period in my life when I had more money than sense.

I think that the culprit is the continuing digitalization of the world. Musicians can no longer sell records because it is easier for people to steal music so artists are forced to charge exorbitant prices for concerts.

Same process if of course affecting my business, the art business. If I had a dime for every time someone has told me that they won't buy original art, since it is so easy to score a perfect reproduction and who would know the difference?

Got burned recently myself at an estate sale in La Jolla run by a lady named MacDonald. Bought a perfect Munakata fake. Signature looked great under a loop. I wasn't the only one. Steve bought several, was nailed for a lot of money and I think Don got burned too.

MacDonald wouldn't make it right, said we all should have known. Stopped returning phone calls. I think she had a duty to tell us she was selling fakes. I won't make that mistake again.


Sanoguy said...

Sounds like the same price as a steak.... At least with a steak, it will stay with you.... At least overnight!

iODyne said...

Comiserations on the art burn. I still have my stubs from The Stones 1966 Melbourne Australia and it was $3.50 ... they did a 6pm show as well as an 8 PM show, Roy Orbison supported and the entire Orbison Fan Club stalked out of their seats before The Stones began.
But Bowie would have been worth that $400 surely?