
Sandhill crane

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Han Iron Fist

News today that the Chinese government has shot a tibetan protester who had lit himself on fire in protest of the Chinese occupation.
Isn't there something a bit orwellian and redundant about murdering someone who is in the process of killing themselves?

A full story on the shooting of the young Tibetan monk can be found in the Washington Post article here.

March 10th is the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Chinese occupation, an event that occurred just prior to the Dalai Lama's exile. The young monk's protest was evidently triggered by the authorities refusal to allow the traditional Monlam prayer at the Kirti Monastery at Aba. He was shot three times and joins dozens of other Tibetans from the region who have been killed or imprisoned by the Chinese in the last year.

All suicides in the future will be met with the maximum response and punishment.

With enough suicides, the Chinese might rid themselves of the whole tibetan problem.


grumpy said...

never understood suicide as a vehicle of protest, but you're right, shooting 'em is, well, redundant, not to mention a waste of good ammo...don't look to the Obama administration to pressure the Chinese any time soon on Tibet; from what i hear, Secretary of State Hillary was very deferential on her recent visit to the big C; on a quasi-related topic, i just listened to an NPR report on how wealthy Chinese nationals are buying up cheap and foreclosed properties in Corona, just over the hill, to rent out to us Americans; dear landlord, please don't put a price on my soul...

Blue Heron said...

The monk was in his twenties and named Tapey. Seems very counterintuitive to kill a man who wants to die. A real sadist would make him keep on living.

Anonymous said...

WalMart worker burns self to death in parking lot.