
Sandhill crane

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

January 6 Reprise


“Between the hundreds of people who have looked through it, none of us have come up with the antifa provocateurs or the federal agent provocateurs that we keep hearing about,” said Greg Hunter, who has represented more than a dozen Jan. 6 participants, including one acquitted at trial. “It’s because they’re not there. There are a lot of people looking, and nobody’s found it.”


House Speaker blurs faces in released videos, wants to keep insurrectionists identities from the Feds. Remember all that thin blue line bs? Forget about it. Here you have the leading House republican helping conceal the identities of people that were smashing cops over the heads with fire extinguishers and flagpoles. Some support for law enforcement...

Amateur sleuths have been very effective in tracking the MAGA base down and we can't have that.

1 comment:

Sanoguy said...

At the same news conference, Johnson said he wanted "full transparency." Sure!