
Sandhill crane

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

San Jacinto Excursion.

I drove out to the Wildlife Area and the Walker Ponds yesterday. 

It has been a while. 

While it was not an epic day it was nice to be out there. I saw lots of hawks, two juvenile bald eagles and a golden eagle. Spent a couple hours driving around. Left as it started to get dark.

I didn't grab anything really extraordinary but I am a bit out of practice. Just felt good to be out there again.

I did see one of my favorite raptors, a white tailed kite, but too far away for a decent picture. Such a lovely bird...

I saw these two ravens cavorting when I showed up, always a good omen.

I love the yellow headed blackbirds!
The male red tailed on the left is giving me quite the look...

eagle with nictitating membrane engaged

I am always thrilled to shoot eagles of any variety. This is a juvenile bald eagle.


At one point what looked like either a coyote or a coyote dog hybrid started chasing my car. 

When I stopped he disappeared under my wheels. 

I rolled the window down and he just smiled at me.

I have a bunch of pics to process, will see what else turns up.

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