things to do in Tuscon:
try the carnitas tacos at any Losbetos, which is a local franchise, they were the best i've ever munched on......
eat at Bobo's, a downhome family style diner on Grant near Country Club, best home fries ever and very good huevos rancheros, very warm atmosphere, it's like everyone there knows each other, everyone is family, none of this yuppie phoniness that i hate...they're open 530 am till 2 in the afternoon, they don't have a website, not even a business card-you gotta love it..
go to the Tuscon Art Museum before the Maynard Dixon exhibit closes, he was an true artist of the Southwest who lived in that area for some time, could paint and draw like nobody's bidness......
check out 4th Ave near the UA campus, lotsa funky shops and restaurants and an amazing thrift store where i bought a worldclass tennis racquet for a buck fifty...
things to avoid in Tuscon: ...
sidewalks in the outlying areas, 'cause a lot of the streets don't have any, just dusty gravel.......
mainly, though, while in Tuscon, avoid the Angry Yoga Guy... Angry Yoga Guy just growls when you say hello to him... he lays his rug out on the back lawn and does his stretches and yoga postures every morning... when i remarked to him, trying to be pleasant, that there was a bit of a chill in the air, Angry Yoga Guy barked, "I don't wanna hear about it man, don't tell me it's fuckin' cold"...i'm told that Angry Yoga Guy does some kind of primal therapy on himself, he now and then can be heard screaming and pounding the walls by his neighbors...Angry Yoga Guy isn't all bad, i saw him petting his cats not long after he yelled at me, he has a soft side too...minutes later as i was leaving for the airport to come home, Angry Yoga Guy must have gotten some of the bile out of his system, he saw me carrying my suitcase down the stairs and asked, "where you headed?" "San Diego", i answered, not even looking at him. "I hear it's warm there too", he replied with a smug grin... i kept my mouth shut, just kept walkin' and still wouldn't look at him...maybe Angry Yoga Guy will get over it, get a different perspective on life-it's been known to happen...
Did you know that Hitler was a vegetarian? Look it up. I lived in the hippie mecca of Encinitas for many years and encountered many angry vegans. I don't know if it was anemia or being broke, but I know what you mean. Maybe they got stuck in some strange pretzel pose and destroyed some essential neural circuitry. It's a gross generalization but many new agers are very angry people. But that may be only what we earthbound muggles can sense. On the akashic and higher planes of existence, they may be perceived as real Jack Benny's. Cosmic Cut-ups. Try not to judge a man until you've walked in his tofu.
I gave up beef and pork in June and feel almost saintly, myself. So go figure.
Grumpy at Blue Heron
First of all I do not know how or why you sent me this e-mail about Hitler and vegetarians,or how you got my address?
We at Lil Rickys Tacos do not sell vegetarian tacos. Never did and never will. Our customers prefer our original pork and beef tacos, burros, and carnitas plates.
Comparing our Southwest culture to Hitler is insulting. I have never heard of this Yoga guy. He must be another one of those gringo payaso snowbirds that have destroyed our desert paradise.
Save your vegetarian comments for Dr. Andrew Weil. Come to my restuarant, Blue Heron and you will enjoy pork and beef again.
Ricardo Loidito,
owner Lil Rickys
Tucson Arizona
Adolf aside, the veggies are workin' for you Rbt, i hadn't seen you in the flesh for over three months when we spoke the other day, your complexion was babylike and your eyes sparkley, it was all i could do not to jump on ya...Ricardo, i'll be checkin' yer joint out on my next trip out that way, keep the carnitas cracklin' for me, i have a feelin' they're even better than 'betos..
The heron don't swing that way, Grumpy. Next time you start giving me those wolf eyes like I'm a lamb on a platter, give me time to skeedaddle.
Grumpster, an editor friend, Mrs. Ramsey, just pointed out that Tucson is spelled just so - should I go in and correct or let you show your lack of schooling to the whole cyber universe?
very well, will call ahead before my next visit, give you time to defend yourself...btw, i love that bit about tofu, we need to expand on it...
yes, por favor change Tuscon to Tucson, my bad, will i ever live this down?
Bye the Bye: That makes three for three,
Repooblicuns over the bad guys since the
Bill Jeff is gonna have to do battle with the Feds without Congressional safeguarding his freezer. A quote from bossman Bo(eh)ner
'The future is Cao'. And my apologies to
Jizzy Jackson -'from the Hooch, to the Court House, to the State House. to the Capitol house, I am somebody!'. Ciao, babe.
One more thing to REALLY AVOID...The uni-sex lavatory at Losbetos just before closing time. Those frijoles pack a punch!
i don't get it, don't even wanna get it...time to reboot yer operating system, anonymous, in jazz parlance you're way off the charts...
you may be onto something Grumpy...Maybe it wasn't the frijoles. You know, a wise man once said "Never eat unrefrigerated custard products during a heat wave." It must be the flan. Blulgh!
your point is well taken, anonymous...blue heron, it just occured to me than most of the vegans i've seen have the appearance of concentration camp survivors, can it really be that good for you?
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