
Sandhill crane

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Utility Love

Got to give a big shout out to Sempra Energy for going the extra mile and providing Assemblyman Michael Duvall (R-Yorba Linda) with a little female companionship prior to his voting against renewable energy measures at the Assembly Appropriations Committee meeting July 6. Sempra had opposed the bills. 

Duvall got caught on a video bragging to Jeff Miller (R-Corona) about his conquests with the lobbyist for Sempra who was 18 years his junior and with another woman, neither of whom happened to be his wife.  

Sempra has yet to comment on the high voltage shenanigans but is said to be "investigating" the matter. The 54 year old Duvall was vice chairman of the Utilities and Commerce Committee, which continues to debate the hotly contested bill, which seeks to force utilities to obtain 33% of their power from renewable sources by 2020.

Duvall, who resigned today, had a 100% score for his "conservative pro family values" from the right wing Capitol Resource Institute. Chapman University awarded him its prestigious "Ethics In America" award in 2000 for exhibiting the "highest standards of integrity." He had been recently appointed to the Rules Committee that monitors ethics in the Assembly.

His consort, Heidi Dejong Barsuglia, accompanied him socially in Sacramento while his wife Susan kept the home fire's burning in Orange County. The 36 year old Barsuglia has impressive credentials, having a law degree and once being employed as a speech writer for Pete Wilson. I'd say she deserves a little extra combat pay for this one.

On the tape, Duvall can be heard discussing the lobbyist's little "eye patch" underwear as well as making other cruder statements. This is one representative who doesn't appear to have an energy problem. 

Last one out turn the lights off.

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