
Sandhill crane

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tube ride

Conservatives like to grouse that all will be better once the government gets off business's back, with all of their infernal regulations and interference. Businesses if left alone, will police themselves. Just ask Jamie Dimon over at J.P. Morgan.

This is why the news out of San Onofre is so disturbing. The nuclear power plant has been shut for over four months while federal regulators try to pinpoint the reason that the tubes that carry radioactive water in the new steam generators are eroding and failing at such an alarming rate.

This week comes the news that the piping is a new alloy, that had never been tested by the feds and that it was installed as a routine maintenance item on new bracket supports in order to get around government review. Over 1300 pipes to date have been classified as beyond repair.

Of course, the way that the power monopoly game works, you can rest assured that the ratepayers will take the ultimate hit for the risky business that the power companies have been engaging in and we will pick up any eventual tab. That is a given.

Fukushima. You think it can't happen here?


The Catholic church was not being shown in the greatest of lights in Philadelphia last week. Monsignor Lynn says that he was instructed by his Cardinal to keep those accusing his priests of sexual abuse in the dark. He says that he did what he was told and never really wanted the job.

The worst part was when he said that he didn't turn one of his priests in for molesting kids because he molested women too and that meant he wasn't really a pedophiliac. He apparently kept a shred list of priests who were suspected of molestation in a safe, where it was discovered a few years ago.

From Chicago Tribune - Reuters:

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - A senior church official on Thursday defended his response to a child abuse victim who was told that a predator priest could not be punished because he had sex with women too and therefore was "not a pure pedophile."...
On the witness stand on Thursday, Lynn was asked about a delay in his response to a child sexual abuse complaint filed in 1998. In the complaint, a former seminarian, identified only as Tim, said he was repeatedly sexually abused by Reverend Stanley Gana, who was removed from the ministry in 2002, according to a scathing 2005 grand jury report about the widening church scandal.
"Monsignor Lynn asked the victim, who had been forced to have oral and anal sex beginning when he was 13 years old to understand that the archdiocese would have taken steps to remove Father Gana from the priesthood had he been diagnosed as a pedophile," the grand jury report said.
"But Father Gana was not only having sex with children and teenage minors, Monsignor Lynn explained, he had also slept with women, abused alcohol and stolen money from parish churches," the grand jury report continued.
"That is why he remained, with Cardinal Bevilacqua's blessing, a priest in active ministry. You see, Tim,'" said Monsignor Lynn, ˜he's not a pure pedophile.'"
Lynn is accused of covering up the abuse of priests including Gana, who was never charged with a crime and who was reassigned from parish to parish as complaints surfaced.
"Father Stanley Gana, ordained in the 1970s, sexually abused countless boys in a succession of Philadelphia Archdiocese parishes," the 2005 grand jury report said.
"He was known to kiss, fondle, anally sodomize and impose oral sex on his victims. He took advantage of altar boys, their trusting families and vulnerable teenagers with emotional problems ... He molested boys on a farm, in vacation houses, in the church rectory. Some minors he abused for years," the grand jury said.
Lynn, who is not accused of any molestation, faces the possibility of 28 years in prison if convicted.

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