
Sandhill crane

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Post time.

I start my immunotherapy tomorrow morning, first infusion at 9:30. Have to go through some strange gyrations with it for an hour or two, than then load in and set up Del Mar. Should be real interesting...

I had an intense dream about my late brother last night, going through Buzz's photos and clothes. I miss him so much, the dream was very powerful. I miss my mother too. Not that we got along always so swimmingly but she was always there when I had cancer or something life threatening.  Never doubted her love for a second when the chips were down. This is the first such voyage without her and the absence of her love, compassion and encouragement is exceedingly felt.

Hug your mom if you still have one to hug.


Chip said...

Congrats again on the good news....think maybe your Mom and Bro were looking down o
you. Good luck with the immuno!

Sanoguy said...

Best to you, BH!

Kent said...

Hey Robert, best wishes.

KAT JOY said...

"than"? I think it should be, then... I think.
Anyway, you can write so few words with huge meaning.
According to many of the afterlife, hauntings, and ghost podcasts I've listened to there is a recurring theme. If they're true, your mom, and brother are still there with you.

Anonymous said...

Healing thoughts to you! They may do no good, but they do no harm. ~Diane O'Bannon

Jerry Hall said...

Positive vibrations from the Big Island.

Unknown said...

Always in your corner.Stay positive as always,you will get through this.You are my inspiration.👍

Bethany said...

Good news. Mom's and sibs important...big hugs to you Robert💞