
Sandhill crane

Monday, June 19, 2023

Hummer Sunday

I was going to go up to the flea market in Long Beach and hunt for merchandise Sunday morning but just did not have the energy after my treatment. I decided to stick around the house.

We made bloody mary's and toasted our departed fathers. 

Leslie had something to do or someplace to be. I went out into the yard. watered a few things.

I fixed a sprinkler and then pulled my tripod out.  

I swear I have not taken pics with the tripod for about a year. 

I pulled the good lens out too. 

I was going to hunt for hummingbirds instead of merchandise this fine Sunday.

I want to tell you something about shooting hummingbird pictures. 

Photographers are at their mercy. 

By the time it takes for me to click the shutter they have done three figure eights around my head and snickered at me on the way by.

If you manage to get a decent shot, it is a matter of luck or providence, whatever your theology decides is right.

One thing I have learned as a hummingbird hunter, and I have had my share of great shots, is that you almost don't look for the birds, you listen for their click or the soft beat of their wings, look for fleeting shadows and the minute rustle of leaves. 

Then maybe you can grab one. With a little luck.

I was out of practice yesterday. Shots came hard. I took 720 of them, mostly awful. 

Some of it was my error (I kept vr on on the tripod at first), some of it was bad luck. 

I set up in the lantana, the Mexican bird of paradise and the Russian sage and waited.

But this pair of young Allen's is so incredibly quick, it was impossible to get the money shot I was hoping for. 

Saw it, could not respond in human time. 

Had difficulty attaining focus, finally gave up when we were approaching darkness. 

Did get some shots of a Costa but nothing in full display. I have only looked at about ten percent of my output. 

I enjoyed watching them sample the aloe flowers.

One of my favorite shots was this iridescent winged carpenter bee. Exquisite!

Will give it another try again one day soon. I will get the hang of this again!

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