Thursday, May 25, 2023

Ike and Tina

My buddy BigMike called to tell me a story. 
He now lives up by Seattle. 

The year was 1965. Ike and Tina Turner were playing the old roller rink in Huntington Beach, the Pav-a-lon.

The Pav-a-lon was a wonderful example of streamlined modern architecture, built in 1938. Mike was at the show. At some point, Tina Turner told the crowd that anybody who wanted to could jump up on the stage and dance.

Mike did so, stayed for a number and had a great time, danced his ass off. What a cool experience!

Mike was with me at one of the greatest shows I have ever witnessed, Devo at the California Theater. The crowd also jumped on stage at that show, was doing swannees into the audience, absolutely joyful bedlam. One of my top five ever.

Ike lived in San Marcos for a while and a guy I used to know would talk to him at the Oceanside car wash. Ike liked a clean ride. He said he was a very nice and chill guy. Not to say he was a saint but I think there was always another side of the story.

Greenfield's Bill Graham book portrays Ike as a very tough and protective man, and recounts a story of him shooting his way out of the Fillmore Auditorium. Amazing musician, for all his real and imagined faults.

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