
Sandhill crane

Monday, May 8, 2023


Jelly time for the grosbeak

I'm not feeling well today, will keep this to a short ramble. Bad sore throat, head cold. Lena said to test for covid, I did, negative. I mostly laid up today.

Leslie read on Friends of Fallbrook that Yumi has sold. I have always liked the unpretentious restaurant next to Major Market. They treated me very well, went in quite often for udon noodles.The Korean family that owned it are so nice, I wish them well.

I tried the new poke place the other day for the first time. The one by Grocery Outlet. It was good but the one in Temecula by K Mart serves you more protein. Just sayin'...

My go to Mexican restaurant is Rosa's and has been for a very long time. I love their chicken tacos, enchiladas, shrimp with garlic, green sauce, menudo, pretty much everything. 

The other day I went in with a hankering for fish and ordered the huachinango filet.

It was really delicious. And I must confess that I was not sure if the name described a type of fish or a fish dish. I looked it up. It is a northern red snapper. The dish is the pride of Veracruz I understand. I will order it again.

I have had people tell me that they don't like the ambience of Rosa's. If you are going to a Mexican restaurant for ambience, we probably don't have a lot to talk about. Enjoy your booze and usually crappy meal at Estrellas.

Both Valerie and Warmboe made my short rib recipe. I said that we got them at Sprouts, I was wrong, it was Organic Roots in Temecula. 

Bill sent me a picture. He, in my way of thinking, destroyed my creation, adding way too much onion, bell pepper and coffee. Coffee? Really? Forgive them lord...

He loved it but there is no accounting for taste. Hey I didn't have to eat it. No word from Valerie yet.

I made sourdough Saturday night, well, through yesterday afternoon when I baked the two loaves. Something went wrong, worst rise or spring in three attempts. I still think my starter was too weak. I thought I had it tweaked.

Leslie thinks I was too hard on myself. Truth be told, as ugly as the loaves came out, they were delicious. We had toast this morning. 

Who cares what they looked like? Me. Lena said I never put pictures up of the serious fails. Mea Culpa.


Leslie made her incredible crab cakes the other night. With a really good Caesar salad. She is such a good cook.

We went to the Kinsler LeShon home for smoked chicken and ribs last night. They are back from Spain. Brian is the best smoker/meat guy I know. Very nice. Leslie brought a coleslaw.


Last Sunday before this one was the Willow Glen neighborhood barbecue potluck. 

We all hung out on Rainbow Creek.

Really fun, Alan and Lynne, our hosts, made homemade sausage. Leslie made a potato salad.

Met a lot of people that were new to me on my road and some of them have lived there a really long time.

It was wonderful and I can't wait for the next one. Met some real characters.

The answer to Doug's bird quiz was Hawaii. The winner even guessed Maui correctly. All the serious birders got it instantly. Good job.

And that is it. Hope to feel better soon.


Valerie Tate said...

I didn't make the short rib recipe yet. Planning to make it tomorrow. I bought the meat without bones, and think it will probably taste great as well. I will report back after I make the ribs!!!

Blue Heron said...

We've done both with and without the bones. I think they add flavor. If you can add a couple tomorrow, do so. Judge for yourself. Look froward to seeing how you like it. Don't add coffee!

Lena said...

You hate peppers and onions so that clouds your review of others’ attempts at your short ribs…just saying…

Blue Heron said...

As per usual, Google won’t let me sign into comment. Hope you feel better. Oti Heald and I had lunch at Rosa’s every Friday, on and off, for a few years. Still my go-to place as well. I drink the green sauce right out of the bowl.
