
Sandhill crane

Saturday, July 22, 2023


As a result of the Dobbs decision, many women in red and purple states are now being forced to carry non viable pregnancies to term (e.g. babies born without craniums or spinal cords.) Several of these women testified in Texas this week and their stories are truly heartbreaking. Like the story of Doctor Austin Dennard, who is herself an Ob/Gyn.

In emotional testimony, Dennard testified that she found out she was pregnant in June 2022. At her second ultrasound appointment, Dennard -- who was nervous because she had a miscarriage months before -- said she realized that her baby had acrania, a fatal condition in which a fetus does not have a skull, leaving brain tissue exposed to amniotic fluid, as soon as she saw the ultrasound.In emotional testimony, Dennard testified that she found out she was pregnant in June 2022.At her second ultrasound appointment, Dennard -- who was nervous because she had a miscarriage months before -- said she realized that her baby had acrania, a fatal condition in which a fetus does not have a skull, leaving brain tissue exposed to amniotic fluid, as soon as she saw the ultrasound.

The State of Texas wanted to force her to give birth to this child that could never survive. Luckily she had the wherewithal to travel to another state and abort her pregnancy. 

There are more stories like this. See The law is quite clear: Anti abortion doctor testifies in support of abortion ban. And What it’s like for doctors in Wisconsin to follow an 1849 abortion law in 2023

The authorities in Texas say to sue the doctor, refuse to take any personal responsibility for their plight. But the person who once again comes off as the most preachy, self righteous piece of filth is old Dr. Ingrid Skop from the anti abortion Charlotte Lozier Institute. What a name, like something Roald Dahl conjured up for Willy Wonka.

Skop thinks it will be helpful for the women to not only carry the dead or nonviable baby to term but to hold its corpse for a while. She said it will be beautiful.

An expert witness called by the state, Dr. Ingrid Skop, who is affiliated with the anti-abortion Charlotte Lozier Institute, saw little problem with forcing women to carry such pregnancies to term. Holding a dead infant could “improve the grief” process for parents and even young children, she suggested.

“It’s heartbreaking, but it’s beautiful, too,” Skop said.

Is that not the most heartless, let alone patronizing suggestion you have ever heard? Improve the grief process? Really? How dare she try to tell a woman undergoing what they have gone through that this would make them feel better. Self righteous, moralizing prig. What a sick human being.

1 comment:

Finest said...

I don't think Planned Parenthood can traffic in gangrenous tissue so it's better to get the fetus out of there early so the parts can be salvaged.

Margaret Sanger