
Sandhill crane

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving


Happy Holiday to all of you. Unfortunately I am sick as a dog and we had to cancel our thanksgiving plans. Felt terrible for the last four days or so. Got covid tested yesterday but won't have results for up to 72 hours. I probably should have taken a more rapid test, wasn't thinking. 

Thankfully my fever broke this morning. I think it is just a bad cold, flu or bronchitis but we will see, make sure it is not a breakthrough case. Still have taste and smell. I have been vaccinated but was waiting on my booster. Fingers crossed. Have another show next week in Glendale. I am going to call my doctor Seymour as soon as I get my test results and see if he can help me with this tsoris.

Definitely thankful for a wife who is taking care of me and making me soup. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and stay well.


Sanoguy said...

Get Better!! Happy T Day ( at least, as best you can!) to you and Leslie!!

Anonymous said...

All good wishes and I'm thankful I found you and your shop and your blog. Best to Leslie, a great companion is worth everything, and get well qwik!

Shirley Timberman said...

Hope you’re feeling better soon! Happy Thanksgiving to you & Leslie.