Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Two Crows

Two crows, a digital woodblock - © Robert Sommers 2022

A close and very intimate associate of mine has a nasty case of covid. I have tested negative each of the last two days but with a surfeit of caution, will try to stay away from my fellow humans as much as possible for the next three days. I am going to continue to test regularly. It was speculated that my immunotherapy regimen of BCG might provide me with extra protection against the virus and that may be what has helped me stay clear.

I am staying masked and mostly hidden in my shop. I can only hope that she gets better soon.


Ken Seals said...

Hope you stay clear of it!

Anonymous said...

I hope you stay healthy and your friend gets well soon. Stay safe.

Kent said...

Got my second boost yesterday. Looks like we’re in for another “wave”.