Friday, March 29, 2024

Stay Classy

 Many people who drove through downtown Fallbrook today were greeted by this flag.

Pretty in your face. The enormous banner hung off the top of a large truck and trailer outside of the car radio place and Main St. Cafe. Very expensive rig. I took a picture as I drove by through my car window but the wind was blowing and I couldn't quite grab it.

I talked to several people who saw it and were offended. Can you imagine the uproar if someone had hung a Fuck Trump flag? Probably not, because the non MAGA types tend to have more class than this. 
One person I talked to wanted to call the police and file a complaint for public indecency.

Thankfully the trailer has moved to who knows where and we are spared of this sort of vile sentiment in a town where most people agree to address their political differences more civilly.

You certainly have a right to freedom of speech but you also have a moral duty not to be an asshole and engage in obscene conduct on a public thoroughfare.

Postscript - Turns out that this is owned by the guy who owns the car radio shop. I don't know why you would want to alienate at least half of your potential customers with this sort of divisive rhetoric by placing a banner like this outside your shop but he can run his business as he sees fit and we can give him our business as we see fit.

1 comment:

Jon Harwood said...

Could it be possible that the gigantic toy hauler is an art piece? That is, an oversized symbol or excess decorated with the outcome of a life committed to consumption and excess--hatred of any other life.

Well no, it can't. But I can dream.