
Sandhill crane

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Combat pay for this one

 My friends and readers are truly the best:

Hey Robert, thought you might like to see photos of a Century Plant on my street, it just grew a big spike a couple days ago, getting ready to bloom. Will send you more pics when it blooms if you want.

I got up on a short retaining wall to take the pictures and when I hopped off it jabbed me in the arm. Didn’t even notice at first but it got me pretty good, must’ve hit a blood vessel.

Thank you for going the extra mile, Kerry. Love you bro. Treat that.


Anonymous said...

I usually visit this blog with my morning coffee. Usually I enjoy the experience, but I'm sorry, that last photo is uncalled for.

Kerr A. Lott said...

Thanks Robert, I am gruntled, love you too bro.