
Sandhill crane

Saturday, April 17, 2021

They killed


I shot this picture of two male lions nuzzling in Ngorogoro Crater in Tanzania in 1989 with my Konica FT-2 film camera. Post wildebeest repast. I believe that my longest lens was 135mm but I still managed to get some splendid photographs.

I want to go back on safari in the worst way. I think Leslie is a little squeamish about the kills. She can close her eyes I hope, there is an awful lot more to see that I know that she will really enjoy. Some day...

1 comment:

Kent said...

Wonderful and life changing, I was there in 2013 and then onto the Serengeti just amazing. Picked up some nice Tanzanite along the way. With your persuasive powers I’m sure you could convenience Leslie.