
Sandhill crane

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Flora time

My Caribbean agave, the variegated one that is blooming early and had the beautiful burgundy spike, is starting to flower.

It is a really pretty color, the petals a two tone of cream and burgundy with darkened accents.

I will post a picture when it is fully blazing.

My plumbing problems continue. No water at home again last night.

I thought I had everything licked, and capped off the inch and a half lateral that connected the old and new system.

Guess what? No water to the house again.

There has to be a hidden lateral that we have never found.

Tom, my savior in many respects and household emergencies, has been my friend for 38 years and rode to the rescue this morning, reconnected the systems.

I will deal with it again at a later time, hopefully when I am in a better spirit.

Probably will have to trench a new line and finish the job, put in another three hundred or so feet of schedule 40.

I am getting awful tired of this crap.

Here is Tom at home under his Japanese wisteria.

He and Stacy have a beautiful garden.

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