
Sandhill crane

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Saturday quick hits

Who was prescient on Ukraine five years ago? Hate to say I saw it coming but the writing was on the wall.


Good article at HuffPo, Trump faithful swirl down the rabbit hole. No, it's not CGI.

Jordan Sather, a leading proponent of the QAnon theory, claims both Barr and Ivanka Trump lied during their testimony on Trump’s orders, part of an elaborate scheme to defeat Trump’s enemies by confusing Congress and the American public.

“I can just imagine Donald Trump telling Ivanka: ’Hey, go to this hearing, say these things. Screw with their heads,’” Sather said last week on his online show.

Some Trump supporters dismissed Ivanka Trump’s testimony entirely by questioning whether any of it was real. That’s another common refrain seen on far-right message boards. Many posters say they don’t even believe the hearings are happening, but are a Hollywood production starring stand-ins for the former president’s daughter and others.

“She looks different in a big way,” one poster asked on Telegram. “CGI?”

In other news, Trump is thinking about pardoning the Jan 6 insurrectionists if he gets re-elected. After all they were only parading, blowing off a little steam. 


I don't particularly like the Republican Governor of Montana, Greg Gianforte, but he is getting unfairly attacked for being on vacation when his state was flooding. Dude was on a long planned Italian vacation. He came home. Give him a break.


Forgive me for not having a Juneteenth celebration. It's not mandatory yet, is it? Feel the same way about most holidays, Kwaanza, Easter, Hannukah, Christmas, Solstice, Druid, what have you. They don't have a lot of relevance in my life, seem sort of artificial and forced, frankly. I get that some people believe that it is time for equal time but when it gets pushed real fast it breeds resentment. Feels like social engineering and mandated groupthink.

I hang with a group of octo and septuagenarians in the morning and I hear the same thing frequently. Why does practically every commercial nowadays have to feature a same sex, mixed race nuclear family? I personally have no problem with either but some feel like they are getting hit over the head with the stuff. Would it be so bad to show a straight and non tattooed caucasian or same race couple once in a while or would the censors have a fit? Social scientists have found that such advertising provokes a negative response among many people, ill founded or not.

Let's face it, the boomers are on the way out. The newer generations do not share their bigotry or homophobia and that is a good thing. Advertisers are not catering to the old guard, they are focusing on Gens x, y and z. Get used to it.


...under oath.


Bitcoin is crashing hard.
I hate to even write about it because some of the people I love are really into it and are losing a ton of money. But I never believed in it and am still really confused by it. It seems like vaporwear to me, or a giant ponzi scheme, it has no secondary utility and stands for nothing but a lot of processing time, as far as I can figure. You can't wear it around your neck like gold or silver, or use its parts like other commodities, it is just an abstract conceptual currency. I guess you could say the same thing about paper money, maybe I am just showing my age but I am not a believer and think things might even get worse with the stuff before they get better. But once again, what do I know? Not much... Make a zillion and show me how wrong I am.

But did you notice some of the dicks connected with it? Like high school dropout Erik Finman. Or major schmuck Jesse Powell. Sorry Pete Townshend. Maybe the kids aren't alright.


A few questions for Ginni Thomas - Above the Law.


Medical abortion - the next battleground.


Libertarians back negative stereotyping and denigrating jokes.



Send the blog out to 3397 of your closest friends and we can put this 4 million view puppy to bed tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. You've summed up everything nicely. We live in interesting times as they say~ Diane O