
Sandhill crane

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Three Hours Of U.S. Capitol Surveillance Video at the Tunnel from Jan. 6...

Doesn't look like a bunch of friendly tourists to me. Things start to get salty around the forty minute mark. A pitched battle with over 140 police injured, people killed, if this is patriotism, I want no part of it. And the ringleaders remain free, exactly one year later.

"Who's ready to shed some blood like their ancestors did?"
Congressman Mo Brooks (not charged)

“These were peaceful people, these were great people.”
Donald Trump (not charged)

“We’re in! We’re in! We’re in! We’re in! Derrick Evans is in the Capitol!” - Derrick Evans, a newly elected Republican member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, who was among the insurgents. Indicted on felony charges of engaging in activity that “obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, pleads not guilty.


Tspoon said...

Not charged yet

Tspoon said...

"How to coup for fun and profit" Glenn Kirschner

Anonymous said...

"Doesn't look like a bunch of friendly tourists to me." I say "Go with your gut". I remember leaving Grateful Dead concerts in places like San Francisco, and Berkeley, very much disoriented on my way to find where I parked my car. Walking down unfamiliar streets, and getting a chilling feeling that I should not be there. Turned around and found a safer route. My friends followed me. Never did one question my gut feeling. Suffice it to say, these people who think it was "just tourists" in those videos would never be invited to my blanket in front of the stage. One way or another, this darkness got to give.

Blue Heron said...

I sort of apply the same litmus test with my political decisions. Who would I want to have a shot with at the bar? Boehner, definitely but Gaetz, Gohmert, Greene, no fucking way.

Tspoon said...

And Boebert, Cawthorn, Gosar the list is endless

The Phantom Knows said...

No wait, the same high-profile Democratic Governor that blasted these senseless acts of violence on national television seemed very pleased about her role as the bona-filed leader of a 2012 insurrection on the State Capital. Color me amazed!

In a 2018 interview, while running for governor, then-MI State Senator Gretchen Whitmer (Insurrection Barbie) bragged about how she “threw open the doors to the Capitol” in 2012, to allow the mob inside after Republican Governor Snyder locked it down. She also bragged about how she “led the resistance.” of the attempted coup “from my office.”


Blue Heron said...

Whitmer schmidmer. I am talking about our nation, not some third world great lakes state. Seriously, the spin from the right has been amazing. T. Carlson said the other day that there was no riot, a couple cops got pushed. Watch the last hour of this video, it was away more than a couple pushes.

The Phantom Knows said...

Sorry, I just re-read the Democratic Party Rule Book / Talking Points. Yes, right here on page 3 in bold ink… ‘these self-righteous rules and double speak talking points only apply when we want them to’. Your right again… my bad.

Blue Heron said...

You're catching on...