
Sandhill crane

Monday, January 11, 2021

What I need...

The last few weeks I have been indulging in idle thoughts of where I would like to go on a trip after this long Covid entrapment? Let's say money was not a huge issue and you could go anywhere. I'm honestly getting a little stir crazy.

Last year we were talking about Portugal and Spain again. I had given thought to exploring England and Germany, have never spent quality time in either. But do they have enough magic for us?

I have always wanted to go to the Marble Caves of Chile and explore Patagonia but not sure I am in physical condition to do so at present.

Poipu and other places in Hawaii always ring our bell as do the San Juan Islands. Africa would be great but it is expensive and takes a lot of planning. Leslie wants to go to Northern Japan and I would be down with that too. Some other time, perhaps.

But having thought of all these places, the one place that is calling out to me the strongest is going back to Yellowstone and the Big Sky country. I was looking at this tour and fantasizing yesterday. Would love to get out there in the worst of conditions and see what I could do with the camera.

The Tetons and Yellowstone speak to me like few places on this earth. 

I have only done it one time in the snow and didn't have the proper equipment to do it justice. Now I do. 

Would be so fun to be there without a lot of humans around.

Place speaks to me on another level.

Of course you can only go in from one road to the north right now and access is prohibited. And my brother in law no longer has a free place for me to stay in Jackson.

Who knows what will happen? Maybe I get a wild hair and just go...


Sanoguy said...

Take that wild hair north!

island guy said...

Please go to Portugal and the Tetons, I want to enjoy them through your photos and posts. Never been to Portugal and share your love of the Grand Tetons. Would love to see your photographic play with the prismatic effects of truly dry snow.

Liz said...

You could come to DC and visit your sister. This looks like a three surgery year and if there wasn’t covid I would just say how much I miss my family

Unknown said...

Wow, stunning photos. I love that Maxfield Parrish like light on the craggy mountains. I have been to Yellowstone a few times -- a very special place. Go for it!

Wilbur Norman said...

Been trying to get to Chilean Patagonia and Hokkaido for many years. I have a project that will take me to N. Japan at some point. I can give tips on most of the other places on your list.

In 1976 I wanted to take a long trip before grad school so I hitched from Ohio to Tetons (80 pound pack) to go to Mr. Exum's Climbing School. While there I hooked up with some other climbers and we had a spectacular time. One day we saw a group of climbers hanging out some distance away and we were never able to interact with them. Occasionally we could hear their voices wafting over the wind and they had strange accents. When we asked about them at the Guide's Office we learned they were Soviet mountaineers - the first to officially visit the USA. Turns out their 'keepers' kept them on a very tight leash lest any try to defect!

Blue Heron said...

So let me mentor photographers on one of your tours, Wilbur. I teach photography from an artist's viewpoint and have what I think is a unique perspective. Let's go.