
Peregrine Falcon, Torrey Pines

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Pigs at the trough

Another excellent Ricardo Lara story by Jeff McDonald, New actions by state insurance commissioner appear to benefit another campaign donor.

Wow. Ricardo Lara. The man who promised not to take contributions from industry when he was running for office. He delivers a sweetheart action to a out of state pet insurer the same day the man's family member writes him a big fat check.
One day in April, the California Assembly insurance committee passed a pet insurance bill that critics say could make it harder for consumers to collect benefits.
That same day, Darlene Graber wrote a check to Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara's re-election campaign for $7,800.
Graber is a homemaker from Austin, Texas, according to state campaign disclosures.
Records show she shares an address with Larry Graber, an executive with Independence Holding Co., a New York insurance conglomerate that markets pet insurance and other products around the country. It was not clear if the Grabers are married. 
Further research shows that they are married. At this rate you have to wonder if Lara is incompetent or just doesn't care. Talk about being in bed with the people you are supposed to regulate. And even occasionally promoting their businesses.
On July 10, the Twitter account for the Department of Insurance urged followers to observe National Kitten Day by purchasing pet insurance.
"Let today be a reminder to consider pet #insurance to protect your furry little friend," the department tweeted. "This coverage will help pay for veterinary expenses necessary for taking care of your kitten or other pets."

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