
Sandhill crane

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Out of their mouths

"The idea of anybody getting it (a test) easily, the way people in other countries are doing it, we're not set up for that. Do I think we should be? Yes, but we're not."
Dr. Anthony Fauci - Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease

The Trump administration said that Google was working on a national triage website for corona virus testing information and that they would have it up and running by Monday. Trump said that Google had 1700 engineers working feverishly on the site. Google's Life Science unit Verily responded by saying that the site was intended initially solely for the Bay Area, with the hope of expanding more broadly over time.

“There’s absolutely not 1,700 engineers at Verily. I’m not even sure there are 1,700 people at Verily.” Google spokesman
"The Public Health Care system at Federal and State level has atrophied in the past thirty years. It is a crucial leg of US national security. It will take 5 years to re-imagine and resource an appropriate capability. Corona virus is just the latest disaster. Revolting sycophancy by Pence and others in the Administration to Trump. There are eerie echos of 'supreme leader' adulation to all of this. That Trump tolerates or needs this kind of faux devotion is dangerous in a democracy." Retired four star General Barry McCaffrey

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