
Sandhill crane

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Got my number

Many of my good friends are really shutting it down, like mushrooms in a cave right now. Have friends that won't open doors, won't come out to play. I am not doing anything quite so draconian, trying to be careful but not shunning humanity entirely, more like keeping as safe a distance as possible and engaging in a bit more frequent handwashing and general caution than usual. Trying not to do anything too stupid.

As Barry Friedman told me yesterday, "I've been social distancing for seventy two years." Not quite so long for me but you know how uncomfortable I get in crowds. I am sort of an expert at this. I've been holed up in my shop for twenty years trying not to talk to anyone. Preparing for this very moment.

Retha sent me this excellent picture yesterday, she took it with her beautiful medium format Leica camera several years ago. Wide open. Leslie says I looked so young back then.

Retha Evans - Leica S-2 ƒ2.5 1/750 iso 160 70mm

Nice shot of a somewhat difficult subject. Who has been writing like a madman of late. Seventy four blogposts in a little over a half a month. Will be a personal record for sure, if I survive anyway. I have to write. What the fuck else are we supposed to do? Watch the stock market tank? Learn to knit? Take Bossa Nova lessons? Get out from under the bed?

See, I have a very compromised immune system, have had one for years. I get everything. The virus looks at me like a Swansons hungryman tv dinner with all the fixings. Honestly, I probably don't stand a chance. I might as well have a sign on my back that says, hey virus, kick me. That tickle in the back of my throat? Nahhh. Just wait, watch it make a beeline for me. Tell me I didn't tell you so.

So I'm not saying I won't have lots of eventual company, I'm just saying, guaranteed, first on the list.

I have an immunotherapy session this Friday, place next to Scripps. Have gloves, have wipes, going to be so wrapped up I'll look like the invisible man walking in with all my protective gear and coverings. It really sucks. Medical buildings are about the last place you want to be right now. Don't touch the elevator button with your finger. Try not to look in horror at the person who just coughed on your shoulder.

See you in hell.


Liz said...

I am also immunocomprimised, you aren't the only one in the family. I did email with my favorite doctor. Mg and I are under medical orders to add stay isolated until further notice,probably this summer.

Mg has bad lungs and catches every thing. I have every condition that the paper lists as making it important to quarantine.

I am getting progressively more lonesome.

Roy Jhciacb Cohen said...

True story: coming back this afternoon down all the ride on my bike, I saw your car behind your store. Was going to knock on the back door, but know that your immune system isn’t peeking right now. Anyway, in Mad Max world, I like my odds…