
Sandhill crane

Monday, March 23, 2020

Rainy Monday turning into blue skies

New York Times had an interesting article today about the coronavirus robbing individuals of their ability to smell or taste. A German doctor researching Covid - 19 clusters reports that roughly half of the patients had experienced a smell or taste disorder, and that the sensory loss usually presented after the first symptoms of respiratory illness, but could be used to distinguish people who should be tested. Wreaking havoc with ENT doctors.

Bluewater Relocations sent out a note with some valuable numbers for local people in need:
Home Delivered Meals and Transportation Options: (Non Profit Organizations)Meals on Wheels San Diego CountyHome Delivered MealsPhone Number: 619-260-6110Website: https://www.meals-on-wheels.org/Notes: Place order days in AdvanceMeals on Wheels is looking for more Volunteers! ElderHelp Phone number: (619) 284-9281Website: https://www.elderhelpofsandiego.org/Friendly Visits and callsGrocery Shopping-no costSeniors A Go Go- Medically Necessary RidesElderhelp is looking for more Volunteers! Jewish Family ServicesHome Delivered MealsWebsite: https://www.jfssd.org/Phone Number: (858) 637-3210Case/Care ManagementPhone Number: (858) 637-3210On-the-go  (Rides limited to medical rides/grocery shopping only)Phone Number: (858) 637-7320JFS is looking for more Volunteers! Serving SeniorsHome Delivered MealsPhone Number: 619-235-6572Website: https://servingseniors.org/ FACTTransportation needs for those 60+Phone Number: 888-924-3228Website: https://factsd.org/ Home Delivered Meals-(For Profit)  *All can be ordered through computer or Smartphone App with an account.*Door Dash Uber Eats Grub HubPostmates Social, Educational Caregiving Options and any other Miscellaneous: Question Oasis-San Diego (Online Education ClassesOnline Course Catalog:   https://www3.oasisnet.org/San-Diego-CA/Classes Alzheimer’s San Diego Website: https://www.alzsd.org/Free webinar classes that normally take place in personAlthough the organization’s has suspended all in-person classes and group meetings, clients can still speak to social workers over the phone at                     (858) 492-4400 Southern Caregivers Resource CenterWebsite: https://www.caregivercenter.org/Phone number: (858)268-4432Helping caregivers navigate the anxiety, the depression, the stress that comes with being a caregiverVoucher Program still available..read more https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/caregiver/news-for-caregivers/story/2019-11-19/family-caregivers-benefit-from-countys-respite-voucher-program Partner in AgingConnect senior to volunteer looking to make daily/weekly phone call check insConnect senior to volunteer hoping to go on a daily/weekly week with a companion (safe social distanceConnect a senior to a trusted caregiver or concierge assistantConnect to grocery shoppersConnect for medical rides and pharmacy pick ups Phone Number: 858-480-1453 211 (General Resource Hotline)Phone number: 211
I say and write things that occasionally bother people, not everybody agrees with me. How could they? But you always know who is talking, I don't hide. I take ownership and sign my name. It irks me when anonymous commenters decide to call me a bigot or racist or some other crappy thing. Have the balls to sign your comments, you closeted pussies. Incel armchair vigilantes bug the shit out of me. The nastiest comments are always anonymous. Scrota Voce has never agreed with a single thing I have said but at least I know who is talking.

And now, a lighter moment. Jeff sent me a funny joke. (Or at least I think it is funny.) I can share a Scandinavian joke with you guilt free because my new ancestry tests show that I am 1.6% Finnish. And I don't even drink!

Ole is a farmer in Minnesota. He is in need of a new milk cow and hears about a nice one for sale over in Nordakota. (That would be North Dakota for you non-Scandahoovians out there).

He drives to Nordakota, finds the farm and looks at the cow. He reaches under to see if she gives milk. When he grabs the teat and pulls, the cow farts.

Ole is very surprised. He looks at the farmer who is selling the cow, then reaches under the cow to try again.

He grabs another teat, pulls, and the cow farts again. Milk does come out however, so after some discussion with the cow's owner, Ole decides to buy the cow and takes it home.

When he gets back to Minnesota, he calls over his neighbor Sven, and says, 'Hey, Sven, come look at dis ere new cow I yust bought. Pull her teat, and see vat happens.'

Sven reaches under, pulls the teat, and the cow farts.

Sven looks at Ole and says, 'You bought dis here cow in Nordakota, didn't yah?'

Ole is very surprised since he had not told Sven about his trip.

Ole replies, 'Yah, dat's right. But how'd yah know?'

Sven says, 'My wife's from Nordakota.'
Roy Cohen's dog Stroodle is now working on his own stand up act.

Thank god for Dr. Anthony Fauci. Isn't it nice to know that there is still at least one adult left in the room?

Message from Neil Diamond.


aferda said...

The county commissioner also said during a phone town hall last week that should you need free meal delivery (especially if you are over 60), you can simply call 211 and ask for the meal delivery program.

Sanoguy said...

I certainly hope that Doc Fauci can withstand the Donny Little Hands storm!