
Sandhill crane

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Domestic casualties

All week, the Veterans Administration hospitals have been really getting nailed with the Covid -19 virus, according to the websites I visit. The casualty numbers have been rivaling entire states.


So when I read about FEMA stealing masks meant for the V.A. I got pissed. See Trump administration hijacked 5 million masks from veterans hospitals, chief physician says. Pretty startling and not the only occasion things like this have happened.

Poor guy in Delaware really got shafted. Delaware medical supplier says FEMA seized 400,000 N95 masks; now he's out millions of dollars.

The federal government is trying to spin this stuff, saying they are going after exporters. He wasn't an exporter, he was selling to states and companies for a fair and not exorbitant profit. Guy paid four million bucks for masks and now he is out.

Seems like a really shoddy way to treat veterans and Americans in general. Then again, The Trump administration awarded a $55 million contract to a bankrupt company with zero employees for N95 masks, which it's never manufactured. Look what they are charging for masks. But what do you expect from a crony?

Dr. Kelli Ward, the chair of the Arizona GOP and a perennial losing candidate and gadfly in that state, has reached a new low, even for her.
Washington (CNN) The chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party is encouraging people planning to protest stay-at-home orders imposed amid the coronavirus pandemic to dress like health care workers.
Recently, several health care workers around the country have worn their scrubs and medical gear to counterprotest against people calling for states to reopen against the urgings of medical experts.Dr. Kelli Ward, a former state senator and primary care physician, tweeted on Friday that people participating in protests to end the government-imposed closures of regular business should wear scrubs and masks."Planning protest to #ReOpenAmerica? EVERYONE wear scrubs & masks - the media doesn't care if you are really in healthcare or not - it's the 'message' that matters," she wrote.Ward's comments come a few days after she questioned the authenticity of a small group of health care workers in Colorado who counterprotested against people calling for the state to reopen.
She is truly despicable.

We need our bacon, no matter how many workers it kills. Trump plans to order meat processing plants to stay open during coronavirus.
We only wish that this administration cared as much about the lives of working people as it does about meat, pork and poultry products. Stuart Appelbaum, President Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union

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